• Philosophy

    What are your beliefs, values, guiding principles?
    with coworkers
  • Bucket List

    What places would you most like to visit?
    with coworkers
  • Stroll

    Let's take a walk together.
    with coworkers
  • Smile

    I can't help but smile when I see you.
    with coworkers
  • Applause

    Listen up everyone! Give this person a round of applause for doing an amazing job on ___.
    with coworkers
  • Giving

    Let's bake cookies and take them to the neighbors.
    with coworkers
  • Improv

    Let's act out a scenario.
    with coworkers
  • Life Goal

    Here's what my dream is to make happen.
    with coworkers
  • Appreciation

    Let's start our staff meeting with an appreciation for someone in the group.
    with coworkers
  • Book Club

    Who wants to read this cool book I found? We can talk about it when we are done.
    with coworkers
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