• Giving

    Let's bake cookies and take them to the neighbors.
    with coworkers
  • Teach Me

    Can you show me how you do that thing you do so well?
    with coworkers
  • Appreciation

    Let's start our staff meeting with an appreciation for someone in the group.
    with coworkers
  • Memory

    Remember the day we first met?
    with coworkers
  • Story

    This thing happened to me today and you won't believe it!
    with coworkers
  • Play

    Let's get together for games, sports, roles / acting.
    with coworkers
  • Common

    I didn't realize until now that we have this thing in common.
    with coworkers
  • Book Club

    Who wants to read this cool book I found? We can talk about it when we are done.
    with coworkers
  • Ticket

    I got us these concert / play / sporting event tickets for us.
    with coworkers
  • Thrifting

    Let's surprise each other with thoughtful finds or thrift shop treasures.
    with coworkers
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