• Curious

    What's happening with that thing in your life that you mentioned a while back?
    with friends
  • Random Act

    Let's go out and find people that might need help.
    with friends
  • Errand

    I have to do this mundane thing, but it would be more fun if you came along.
    with friends
  • Adventure

    How about a photo scavenger hunt? Let's capture moments and make memories together.
    with friends
  • Joy

    What makes you feel the most joy? What was the happiest moment in your life?
    with friends
  • Regift

    Hey I have this extra item I don't need. Do you want it?
    with friends
  • Keepsake

    I want you to have this special memento to remember us.
    with friends
  • Commiserate

    Can you believe this BS? Ugh!
    with friends
  • Giving

    Let's bake cookies and take them to the neighbors.
    with friends
  • Just Listen

    Tell me all about it and how it made you feel.
    with friends
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